WHY DOES THE WEB look almost blank?
Browsers use cache in order to prevent having to re-download a webpage. As a result your browser may have cached the old style sheet for the website which may show you a very plain form of the website. You can resolve this by going to clear your Browser History and selecting the clear cache option.
why is the web Play/Pause Button not working?
Browsers use cache in order to prevent having to re-download a webpage. As a result your browser may have cached the old website controls which may prevent a functioning Play/Pause button, as well as the Now Playing Information between the Player Circle and Home Button from appearing. You can resolve this by going to clear your Browser History and selecting the clear cache option.
Android stream stops after playing unattended for a long period of time
Some Android phones may have this issue, it is due to sleep settings that are set both by the user as well as the manufacture. We are currently working to fix this bug on every possible Android Phone Manufacturer. In the meantime you can try to mitigate the issue by adjusting your screen timeout and sleep settings in your Android settings.